
What was your first reaction? Did your chest tighten? Maybe you groaned a little inside… I don’t expect very many people to say “woo-hoo I’ve got that nailed!” As ministers and folks headed into ministry the theme seems more like “yes, I need more of it”. But, if we have a roof over our heads, food on the table and enough to pay our bills then maybe we have enough. Could we all use a little more? I’m sure more might make our lives a little more comfortable but really it may be a sneaky invitation to excess. Instead of asking for more maybe we should take a deep look into our relationship to money. How are we handling what we do have before ‘more’ is added to the equation?

CovChurchPIM and NorthParkPIM invite you to join us for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This class starts on October 19th and runs for 9 weeks. We’ve elected to offer a hybrid class. This means, once you’ve enrolled in our class, you will receive physical materials and have online access to the weekly videos and budgeting materials. While we would highly recommend staying on track with us each week, if you miss a week you can make it up.

Not a fan of Dave Ramsey? That’s okay. I wasn’t either until my husband and I led a group through FPU this past summer. What FPU offers is a counter cultural way of looking at and interacting with money.

The cost is $100 however, the first 10 students/student spouse couples to sign up will only pay $20!  The next 10 student/student spouse couples will only pay $80.

ECC ministers/spouses can also participate with us.

Ready to jump in with us? Great! Fill out the contact form below that best describes you and we will get you signed up.

Please include the following information on the contact form:

Name & Email
Are you a student, student spouse, ECC pastor, ECC pastor spouse?
Where do you live?

Yes, count me in!

5 + 4 =