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We are committed to connecting and supporting ministry spouses and advocating for ministry families.

Saying Yes & No Honestly: No. 2

Saying Yes & No Honestly: No. 2

In my last post, I wrote about the importance of being yourself as a clergy spouse and how, for me, this means saying “yes” and “no” with honesty and integrity. Today I want to delve into this more by looking at some of the patterns I...

FPU: Real Estate and Mortgages

FPU: Real Estate and Mortgages

What is your current housing situation like?  Are you a renter? Home-owner?  We currently rent (and likely will be renting for the next few years).  Although we hope to own our own home in the future, the idea of buying a house and...

2015 Advent: Joy

2015 Advent: Joy

The drive home is so familiar; driving it with my eyes closed seems tempting.  The last several hours have been overflowing with the kind things that create memories that don’t easily fade.  My senses have had quite the workout, the sights,...

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