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We are committed to connecting and supporting ministry spouses and advocating for ministry families.

FPU: Buyer Beware

FPU: Buyer Beware

How often do you find yourself with a commercial jingle stuck in your head? There’s a reason those jingles are so catchy. Companies are constantly competing for our money, and the best companies spend significant time and money studying our...

Spiritual Practices: Lectio Divina

Spiritual Practices: Lectio Divina

You may or may not be familiar with the practice of Lectio Divina and today we want to either introduce you to it or bring back to mind as you decide how to meet with God this week. Lectio Divina is a Latin phrase meaning ‘divine’ or ‘holy...

FPU: Dumping Debt

FPU: Dumping Debt

"You need a credit card to rent a car or to make purchases online." "Car payments are a way of life, and you’ll always have one." "You need to take out a credit card or car loan to build up your credit score." "Debt is a tool and should be...

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