Welcome to CovChurchPIM!

We are committed to connecting and supporting ministry spouses and advocating for ministry families.

FPU: Relating with Money

FPU: Relating with Money

Why do we turn to the Bible for financial guidance? Because our personal financial plan is about more than an abstract mathematical concept; it’s about us and our behaviors. Money is emotional and relational, and our spiritual life...

Spiritual Practices: Palms Up, Palms Down

Spiritual Practices: Palms Up, Palms Down

We each face challenges through out our week that keep us from entering into worship with God. For the ministry spouse it could play out a little like this… Moments before worship begins each Sunday the role and expectations of the pastor’s...

FPU: Super Saving

FPU: Super Saving

Welcome to the first week of Financial Peace University! Dave kicked off FPU by sharing some of his personal financial story and what led him to create this series. Dave has laid out seven “Baby Steps” that will lead us toward financial...

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