FPU: The Great Misunderstanding
We are in our final week of Financial Peace University! Congratulations on making it this far! This week we're talking about the purpose and heart of this entire series: radical and intentional giving. You can do everything in these lessons,...

2015 Advent: Hope
There is that scene towards the end of Home Alone. Kevin, weary and sad on Christmas Eve steps into the huge cathedral downtown. The seats are sparsely filled not even trying to win the contest waged by the voices of the choir echoing...

Saying Yes & No Honestly: No. 2
In my last post, I wrote about the importance of being yourself as a clergy spouse and how, for me, this means saying “yes” and “no” with honesty and integrity. Today I want to delve into this more by looking at some of the patterns I...
Psalm One Retreats
Psalm One ministries have regular retreats geared toward soul care for ministry families and spouses.
ECC Women's Retreats
Be sure to check your conference’s website for ECC women’s retreats offered near you.
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