Coffee and God

Coffee and God

So, I’m making coffee this morning and I’m literally standing next to the machine listening to it sigh and gurgle.  We were late to school this morning so I’m feeling a little harried.  I’ve got my phone in hand catching up on text messages with my husband who is at...
FPU: The Great Misunderstanding

FPU: The Great Misunderstanding

We are in our final week of Financial Peace University! Congratulations on making it this far! This week we’re talking about the purpose and heart of this entire series: radical and intentional giving. You can do everything in these lessons, but until you...
2015 Advent: Hope

2015 Advent: Hope

There is that scene towards the end of Home Alone.  Kevin, weary and sad on Christmas Eve steps into the huge cathedral downtown.  The seats are sparsely filled not even trying to win the contest waged by the voices of the choir echoing through the sacred space.  We...
FPU: Real Estate and Mortgages

FPU: Real Estate and Mortgages

What is your current housing situation like?  Are you a renter? Home-owner?  We currently rent (and likely will be renting for the next few years).  Although we hope to own our own home in the future, the idea of buying a house and navigating real estate and mortgages...
2015 Advent: Joy

2015 Advent: Joy

The drive home is so familiar; driving it with my eyes closed seems tempting.  The last several hours have been overflowing with the kind things that create memories that don’t easily fade.  My senses have had quite the workout, the sights, sounds, tastes and feelings...