Seriously, you are the exception to the rule.  Even though the ECC has been ordaining women for over 50 years we still have more pastor’s wives than we have pastor’s husbands.  When we think about the plight of the pastor’s wife we have a lot of history to delve into.  When we think about the plight of the pastor’s husband we have a smaller sample size.  But your experience as a pastor’s husband is still valid and very much valued.  As we take this journey together please don’t hang out in the shadows.  Join us in conversation on the Facebook page and blog and connect with others during events where other spouses will be.  The button to the right is for your use, please let us know if you need help.  And it doesn’t need to be a crisis.

Coffee and God

Coffee and God

So, I’m making coffee this morning and I’m literally standing next to the machine listening to it sigh and gurgle.  We were late to school this morning so I’m feeling a little harried.  I’ve got my phone in hand catching up on text messages with my husband who is at...



Today my 8 year old had a hard time going to school.  After many small conversations, cuddles, and affirmations we made it to school and on time no less.  By the time we got to the drop off point and she got out of the wagon (that I promised she could ride in if she'd...

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