Advent 2016: Weary World

Advent 2016: Weary World

The object zoomed by my face so quickly I almost missed it. The familiar collision of plastic against wall jolted me. Escape. Thoughts of turning to flee the church nursery whizzed through my head. Is there any place to escape the spinning, dropping, banging, sloshing...
Advent 2016: Am I Enough

Advent 2016: Am I Enough

This holiday I find myself tired, soul deep. Each day new manna, each day the battle that I am not enough. Not enough of a wife, mother, friend, daughter. I tell myself be in the moment, be present. In this moment I do not seem enough. I need more patience, more...
Advent 2016: Simplify

Advent 2016: Simplify

No, I haven’t read any of those books on downsizing or simplifying. I would make the excuse that I don’t have time, but really, I think it’s because I don’t have the attention span to read a whole book on simplifying. The idea sounds amazing...