Finding God in the Skies

Finding God in the Skies

The flight from Chicago to Seattle covers about 2000 miles and goes over a diverse landscape flying over cities, farms, vast wilderness and mountains.  I’ve made this flight so many times I know the flight numbers by heart but what was different this time was what I...

Church Strife

Church Strife

At any church, at some point, there is going to be difficult and controversial situations that arise. As the spouse of the pastor, how do you lead through difficult times and keep your sanity? Keep your eye on the prize: Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, since we are...

Coffee and God

Coffee and God

So, I’m making coffee this morning and I’m literally standing next to the machine listening to it sigh and gurgle.  We were late to school this morning so I’m feeling a little harried.  I’ve got my phone in hand catching up on text messages with my husband who is at...

Occastionally we hear of retreats specific to pastor’s wives aside from conference women’s retreats and the like.  These retreats may not be sponsord by the ECC but they are still very much a useful avenue for self-care and connecting with God.

Psalm One Retreats

Psalm One ministries have regular retreats geared toward soul care for ministry families and spouses.

ECC Women's Retreats

Be sure to check your conference’s website for ECC women’s retreats offered near you.

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